All quake fans who followed the most recent Oktober 125fps League have witnessed a great performance by the Swedes Sweden Fazz and Sweden Spart1e who both ended up in 3-4 place. In the group stage Sweden Fazz managed to defeat Belarus Cypher in a bo3 game and Sweden Spart1e gave Russia Evil a tough run for the money in their semi final encounter. However the Swedes didn't play one another during the season and we want to fix that! A show match has been announced for Sunday, the 9th of November. Our usual show match rules apply - 7 maps are played, 10$ per map. The games will be streamed by United Kingdom Zlive and hopefully some of the Russia Russian casters (elder, 102team).

Maps: Will be announced later. So far Hektik, Vertical Vengeance and Aerowalk (Fazz' picks). 3 more will be picked by Spart1e, the last one by us)
Prizes: 70$ (10$ per map). If somebody wants to increase the prize pool - you are welcome to donate!
When: 8 november, 18:00 MSK (16:00 CET)
Streams: United Kingdom ZCasts, (elder, 102team)
Link: match page