We are proud to announce 125 FPS Nov-Dec'14 QuakeLive Duel Season! As usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well. From this season our regular league will be held withi 7 week, not 4 as it was before, you can see schedule below. Next year the League will be most likely in the same way.

1 week: monday wednesday and friday - three qualifications
2 week: monday wednesday and friday - three qualifications
3 week:  Group Stage 1: thuesday group A1,  thursday group B1 
4 week:  Group Stage 1: thuesday group C1,  thursday group D1 
5 week:  Group Stage 2: thuesday group A2,  thursday group B2 
6 week:  Group Stage 2: thuesday group C2,  thursday group D2 
7 week:  1st day:1/8*2  2nd day:1/8*2 3rd: 1/4*2 4th day:1/4*2 , sunday  semis and final

Prizepool - 50000 RUR
Map changings: - hek +dm13

League will start 3 november, more info about schedule, players, maps, invites and other you can read at special post about this season.