125PLoFirstly - huge thanks to all our donators.
We are starting off a new Quake Live Duel Season number #32. The same format - Sunday cups every weekend with points (as well as prizes, see "Rules and Prizes") for the top-8 culminating in a season finale on the last sunday between the 8 players who accumulated the most points through the course of the season. The season finale will take played out with a group stage (2 groups with 4 players) with two players from each group progressing to a single elim bracket. Season#32 prizepool is 30 000 RUB.

Season news
 Follow us on twitter for the current information.

- Season#32 is finished, congratulations to our prizers -

1 Russia evil
2 Russia agent
3-4 Russia pavel and Poland matr0x
5-8 Russia proximo, Russia iddqd, Ukraine xron, Poland karwik

11 Sep
- Sunday Cup#52 sign up link  http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/DvhRYY7PTU

01 Sep
- Season is started, map changes will be announced after "donator's lottery"

02 Sep
- Donator's lottery are finished, random 100 gave us numbers 1 and 51, so winners are
Table http://imgur.com/a/v4MZ8
01.07.2016 [lv] Aleksandr 20EUR (18.21)  and 07.08.2016 [nl] baksteen 30USD (28.33)
Both of them can remove one map from previous season map pool and add another map instead
- baksteen removed Battleforged and pick HouseOfDecay
- Aleksander removed ztn and added aerowalk
- Finally season#32 maps are - Sinister, Furious Heights, Aerowalk, Cure, Toxicity, HouseOfDecay and Silence

Donator's mapchoice
Donator's lottery winners for season#32 are Latvia Aleksandr and Netherlands baksteen, Finally season#32 maps are - Sinister, Furious Heights, Aerowalk, Cure, Toxicity, HouseOfDecay and Silence.

Schedule and Results


04 Sep Sunday Cup#51: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup51
11 Sep Sunday Cup#52: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup52
18 Sep Sunday Cup#53:
25 Sep Sunday Cup#54:
02 Oct Sunday Cup#55:
09 Oct Sunday Cup#56:
16 Oct Sunday Cup#57:
23 Oct Sunday Cup#58:

Season points:

    Sum Cup#51 Cup#52 Cup#53 Cup#54 Cup#55 Cup#56 Cup#57 Cup#58
1 agent 49 7 7 7 7 7 6   8
2 evil 48 8 8 8 8 8 8    
3 pavel 30   3,5 6 5 5 3,5 7  
  Spart1e 21,5   6 3,5 6 6      
4 matr0x 19     5       8 6
5 xron 17       3,5 3,5 1,5 5 3,5
  zanes 13,5           5 1,5 7
6 iddqd 12,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 3,5   1,5
 7 karwik 8,5             3,5 5
  baksteen 7     3,5 3,5        
  gienon 7           7    
 8 sev3n 6 6              
 8 prox1mo 6             6  
  lars 5 5              
  kronic 5   5            
  rikky_r 5           1,5 3,5  
  luke_ie 3,5 3,5              
  madball 3,5 3,5              
  ztalwart 3,5   3,5            
  kenny 3,5         3,5      
  perpetual 3,5               3,5
  n1 3         1,5   1,5  
  garpy 3       1,5       1,5
  zott 1,5 1,5              
  raidan 1,5   1,5            
  pecka 1,5     1,5          


29 Oct Season#32 Final group stage

30 Oct Season#32  Final Playoff for top4

Group A: Russia agent, Russia pavel , Russia xron, Poland karwik
Group B: Russia evil, Kazakhstan prox1mo, Poland matr0x, Russia iddqd

1/2 Russia agent 3-0 Poland matr0x
1/2 Russia evil 3-0 Russia pavel
final Russia evil 4-0 Russia agent

Mapchoice: Groups bo3 ++----+ ; Playoff bo5 ++--+++; 1-2 place match bo7 (cointoss winner pick first, loser pick next)
Rules: Two groups with 4 players, 2 pass to playoff, bo3. Playoff bo5, 1-2 places match bo7

Rules and Prizes
Rules for tournaments and events you can read here.
MapPool: Sinister, Furious Heights, Aerowalk, Cure, Toxicity, HouseOfDecay and Silence
Sunday cups BO1 and BO3 - drop till the 1 (or 3) map(s) remains. Season Final day - Groups bo3 ++----+ ; Playoff bo5 ++--+++; 1-2 place match bo7 (cointoss winner pick first, loser pick next)
Sunday Cups will be run the same way as before - Full Double Elimination bracket, winner bracket semi finals and finals BO3, the final 2 BO3s (if necessary). All other matches including the loser bracket final BO1.
Sunday Cups - 3'000RUB (2500 1st place, 500RUB 2nd place), Season Final - 30'000 RUB (1st 15K, 2nd 7K, 3-4th 2+2K, 5-8 4*1K)



Admins: Nico, []34[], Diezel, mikul, Xron, Green (search on IRC or write to admin@ 125fps.com)
Streams: United Kingdom ZLive, Russia 102team, United States of America flairTV ; Stream Hub
Donate: Donate link, Big thanks to all our donators for their money, your support is very important for players, for 125 FPS project and for all Quake community, thanks a lot!. Detailed information about the 125fps cash flow in 2015 can be found here
:irc #125fps, Russia team102, United Kingdom PlusForward post , France ESport, United Kingdom ESR ,