Unfortunatly we have some bad news - there will be no more donations from AlexeyA for season#32 (sep-nov 2016) and probably for the upcoming seasons too :(.
Otherwise, Big thank you to AlexeyA, for all you have done for quake and for us!
There will be no changes for the current season#31 prizepool at least, 50K.

A bit of history -
11 feb 2013 AlexeyA wrote to 125fps the email with this text -
"I want to help you, i propose to increase prizepool for feb 2013 league to 30000 rub (~1000USD). I want to support quake scene. When i was young i was so happy to play this great game"
From this time about 3.5 years ago, AlexeyA regulary gave us money towards the prizepool for the pro league this was keeping European quake and a highly profressional level for tourneys and players. Finally he donated more then 1 million rubles, its about 28800 USD! For esports and competitive scene it keps a high level of player skill and attendendace. A big thank you one more time.

125 FPS Project has exists since april 2012, first Daily Cup#1 was held 2 april 2012, winner was russian player Russia strongest (and he won first five our cups, btw).
We will continue our Pro League seria, but now we can only rely on other donators. Prizepool for season 32 will be decreased. Guys, if you want our quake tourneys we're counting on you - pls donate any money. Good news - we have about 45K rubles for this moment at our balance!