125PLoAgain and again - huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well. And of course big thanks to all other donators, live long too)
We are starting off a new Quake Live Duel Season number #30. The same format - Sunday cups every weekend with points (as well as prizes, see "Rules and Prizes") for the top-8 culminating in a season finale on the last sunday between the 8 players who accumulated the most points through the course of the season. The season finale will take played out with a group stage (2 groups with 4 players) with two players from each group progressing to a single elim bracket.

Season news
 Follow us on twitter for the current information.

21 June
- Final groups are annonced http://125fps.challonge.com/season30final

19 June
- Sunday Cup#42 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/zFuwmOBzLQ

12 June
- Sunday Cup #41 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/05bPeUGPpN

15 May
- Sunday Cup#37 sign up link http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/2ZUtnCkTM8

01 May
- 1st SundayCup (#35) sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/EnVTaeZh6G 

Donator's mapchoice
No donator's map choice at season#30, we just set QuakeCon2016 mappool. But - all of donator who donated during season 29 - will participate at mapchoice lottery for the next season! 

Schedule and Results

01 May Sunday Cup#35:http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup35
08 May Sunday Cup#36: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup36
15 May Sunday Cup#37: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup37
22 May Sunday Cup#38: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup38
29 May Sunday Cup#39: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup39
05 Jun Sunday Cup#40: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup40
12 Jun Sunday Cup#41: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup41
19 Jun Sunday Cup#42: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup42

Season points:

    Sum Cup#35 Cup#36 Cup#37 Cup#38 Cup#39 Cup#40 Cup#41 Cup#42
1 evil 61 8 8 5 8 8 8 8 8
2 agent 56 7 6 8 7 7 7 7 7
3 prox1mo 26,5     3,5 3,5 5 6 3,5 5
4 base 24     7 5 6   6  
5 spart1e 23 5     6   5 3,5 3,5
6 lars 22,5   3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 1,5 3,5
7 pavel 17     6       5 6
  ash 13 6 7            
8 wolf_pl 8 1,5   1,5 1,5 3,5      
  k1llsen 6,5   5   1,5        
  dem0n 3,5 3,5              
  fazz 3,5 3,5              
  karwik 3,5   3,5            
  Nitrino 3,5           3,5    
  garpy 3   1,5     1,5      
  hzt 1,5 1,5              
  maggotkil 1,5   1,5            
  iddqd 1,5     1,5          
  Sliba 1,5         1,5      
  gedros 1,5           1,5    
  Madball 1,5           1,5    
  cherepoff 1,5             1,5  
  luke_ie 1,5               1,5
  rikky_rikardo 1,5               1,5


26 June Sunday Season#30  Final  

Group A: Russia evil Russia base Sweden spart1e Poland wolf_pl
Group B: Russia agent Kazakhstan prox1mo Germany lars Russia pavel


Mapchoice: Groups bo3 ++----+ ; Playoff bo5 ++--+++; 1-2 place match bo7 (cointoss winner pick first, loser pick next)
Rules: Two groups with 4 players, 2 pass to playoff, bo3. Playoff bo5, 1-2 places match bo7

Rules and Prizes
Rules for tournaments and events you can read here.
MapPool: sinister, cure, furiousheights, bloodrun, battleforged, hektik and elder.
Sunday cups BO1 and BO3 - drop till the 1 (or 3) map(s) remains. Season Final day - Groups bo3 ++----+ ; Playoff bo5 ++--+++; 1-2 place match bo7 (cointoss winner pick first, loser pick next)
Sunday Cups will be run the same way as before - Full Double Elimination bracket, winner bracket semi finals and finals BO3, the final 2 BO3s (if necessary). All other matches including the loser bracket final BO1.
The prizes through the course of the season will be distributed the following way: Every Sunday Cup will have 3.000RUB at stake - 2500RUB for the winner and 500RUB for the 2nd place finisher. In total the Sunday Cups in season will feature 3.000*8=24.000RUB as prizes. The prizepool of the season finale will depend on the amount of donations. If the whole 18.000RUR can be covered by donations (aside from Alexei A.) then the whole 50.000RUR donated by Alexei A. will be up for grabs in the season finale. Otherwise the missing sum will be deducted from the prize pool of the season finale. So in the worst case - if no donations will be received during the season, the season finale prize pool will amount to 50.000-3.000*6=32.000RUR split between 8.



Admins: Nico, []34[], Diezel, mikul, Xron, Green (search on IRC or write to admin@ 125fps.com)
Streams: United Kingdom ZLive, Russia 102team, United States of America flairTV ; Stream Hub
Donate: Donate link, Big thanks to all our donators for their money, your support is very important for players, for 125 FPS project and for all Quake community, thanks a lot!. Detailed information about the 125fps cash flow in 2015 can be found here
:irc #125fps, Russia team102 announcement, United Kingdom PlusForward post , France ESport